The science of Ozone
O3 – Ozone is a natural gas, also known as active
oxygen. It surrounds the plant and protects us from uv radiation and contamination.
Ozone is the strongest sterile sanitizer, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal that exists in nature.
It can destroy viruses, germs and fungal that comes in contact with it, without hurting healthy cells. In the medicine world, Ozone is used in the
last 100 years, especially in injuries such as burns, bad wounds and infections.

About Yaara Manor
As a mother of five children, I always looked for natural solutions that suited our way of life – being connected to mother nature.
Ever since I discovered the wonders of Ozone (along with the study of Aromatherapy) , 10 years ago, I kept on researching and learning this fascinating area. The Ozone gives a safe and natural solution for many people around the world.
My goal is to introduce the wonder of Ozone to the world and improve people's life in a natural way.

Ozone Products

Sunday - Thersday
8am - 6pm israel Time