The Science of Ozone

O3 – Ozone is a natural gas, also known as active
oxygen. It surrounds the plant and protects us from
uv radiation and contamination.
Ozone is the strongest sterile sanitizer, anti-bacterial
and anti-fungal that exists in nature. It can destroy
viruses, germs and fungal that comes in contact with
it, without hurting healthy cells.
In the medicine world, Ozone is used in the last 100
years, especially in injuries such as burns, bad
wounds and infections.
All the company products are based on O3, also known
as Ozone. The benefits of Ozone include strong anti –
bacterial effect, balancing the immune system and
rejuvenation of damaged tissue.
The company has a wide range of products, designated
to help a wide range of conditions: Diabetes, Psoriasis,
Skin Asthma, cuts, and bruises.